Emposed Inactivity; AWWEHHH!!!
The weather is changing. My fond cat is feeling better, not scratching her skin nearly as much with the air becoming damper now. She's not as dried out.
I have a new canvas and I am wondering just whether to paint another caricature upon it or move on to something more timely to my life's current station. Nawww! I think I have the caricature that would be just right for it.
I've been having a hard time not exerting myself. I'm under doctor's orders not to pick up anything with the weight that is more than my cat. That doesn't leave much. I didn't obey it yesterday and I got a lot done around here that I wasn't able to do because of the ongoing weather of cold cold cold air, snow, ice and just tough stuff. So last night I got the hurt that comes from not following doctors advice, not too much fun. I made a decision: I will follow his advice, pain isn't necessary in order to live a full life.
And so I will have to paint slowly, rest often...and the hardest of all things: being receptive to life's bounty. Not an easy command for this ongoing active busy artist to follow: but I must or I might not be living much of an enjoyable life after this upcoming six weeks forced docile activity levels. So it goes!
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