Why Weird People: Here is my Answer

Working is the way I earn the money to buy the food I need to feed myself. I often go to the grocery store weekly, actually I seem to often show up every Friday evenings when the place is pretty deserted and I can get what I want with the ease of an Olympic skater. It is their that I run into the matter of my memories provide me to draw when I open my pad. This drawing opposite is one of them.
Someone asked me why do I draw and paint art that makes people uncomfortable? I actually stumbled when answering her. I had to struggle to tell her. I searched my thoughts and I wondered myself "why?" She said I should think about it. I did, boy did I. I tossed a bit thinking about it as I lay down to sleep that night. Sure I eventually rationalized an answer to it but it really wasn't until the next morning on my way to work when I really saw and knew why I create these really weird and sometimes bizarre caricatures on my canvases. Then I use my best techniques in order to memorialize these "weirdos"....why, why do I do that?
The answer came in the form of a life experience. I stopped into a gas station convenience store shop to get some Life Savers of all things, when I went to pay for them I pulled out my wallet and handed over some cash. Then, I looked up to get the returning change and when I did so there she was in all her glory. It was almost a shock to my system, the attendant handing back my money was a spitting image of one of my really bizarre caricatures (some dare to call them "J T's people") only this one was talking, smiling, and handing me back my change.
She was a spitting image right down to the hair all pulled up in a bun with the teeth happy and big, the eyes expressive and wide, it's stunned me for that moment. I realized I was blind to this fact but then then I became aware to this epiphany. And so it is true in my work as well, although I do these paintings strictly from my imagination, it is only than no matter how remotely I create my art, the statement "art imitates life" is certainly true and the reason for my painting just what and how I paint. I am only painting the life I may be only slightly aware of but yet is still in my environment in my daily existence of comings and goings. If I only open my eyes my reasons for painting live all around me.
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