The Art Process in "Greenwood Station Rd."

Another hot morning, but one needs to brace oneself for what is to come but getting underway early so when the oven-door opens one is fully engaged in life. Painting outdoors is rather tough to do under these skies but if one is clever enough one finds ways to cope.
This artist likes to get a start onsite and then finish up the canvas at home. It works when one has a good camera to capture an image from which to work when one is the comfort of the studio. I've done three or four canvases this way and it does help quite bit to be at home. Refreshments and various paints can be easily accessed so that nothing is left behind while working on outdoor scenes. Fortunately for me, I do have a good camera and a system for showing these images on an HDTV screen, from there it's easy to work on a canvas using such a system.
The results are this painting of "Greenwood Station Rd." which I wasn't able to work onsite due to there was no shoulder to the road on which to set up my equipment. In this case there was no way I could have done this image without using a very quick and portable devise like a camera to get the image and then bring it home to show on my TV. That is exactly how I was able to complete this painting. It seems to be a little better of a result than the ones I worked on in the past from paper 4" by 7" photographs. What do you think? I'd be interested in your thoughts on this matter.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene