Artwork in Crozet IGA Parking Lot

Ya can't get much better than murals in one's grocery store parking lot. It seems like someone did something just for the idea of art for art sake. I love it! These murals show much of the surrounding areas of Crozet and who else could have shown it off but someone local, who has guts to do something this size in the first place. It turned out well and all people I've talked to love it as well. It's much bigger than I could show in this one photograph but for the people of this little Virginia town it means quite a bit.
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What Has Worked;

Penn Academy of the Fine Art Visit in Philly

The First Structure in Nelson County of European Settlers

Hut for a Blue Tractor and a Red Grass-Cutter

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

Whiting Oil Company on W. Main St. C'ville, Va.