Winding Up This Summer's Artwork

The Summer is coming to a close for me, with schools reopening I will be going back to work starting this Friday morning. Our beloved students will return the following Wednesday. I can say that it's been a very active summer for me with me finishing many painting during this break and joyfully I loved making each one.
The big change has been feeling good about the work I have done both once they were done and also while they were in the 'cooker' where I was active in the making of them. This summer I focused on making 'overall looks' to the scenes which I painted partial storefronts of last summer. Those were mere studies ( or preparations ) for what I had in mind and it was a long wait during the school year '09-'10 until I could get to them this past two months of late June, July and early August. I say two months because I both took some time to see distant places and I count June and August as only half month's work time on this summer's canvases. But I was successful in that I personally was very pleased and surprised at how all of this summer's work turned out to be so damn good. It's been a long time coming but it finally arrived this summer. It was hot as you know what but it was worthwhile for all the sunscreen applications and the hauling of painting equipment, the standing out in the sun, drinking ungodly amounts of water and sweating more than I care to think of while working on these canvases just because of the results of my efforts.
You can see most of them here. Just click on the painting once one's cursor is upon it. Thank God and those who protect our freedom for the productive opportunity to work outdoors.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene