It was with great joy that I spent my Thanksgiving with an old college friend and his now wife, and children by marriage...what a joy it was to be with them all. We ate well which goes without saying, but we also enjoyed some conversation that enlivened my memories of my past living in Philadelphia with him and others. We rehashed old times and it was fun. The two of us were able to bring up people and places which otherwise had escaped my memory when alone. The stay up in the West Va. mountains was especially good since they often recieve the weather we get a week or so later. Temperture wise, we are right in synic this way even today. But these folks pictured here are truly champions in my life and it was an honor to spend this Holiday with them all. The new bread actually put me to shame on the ping-pong table so there is room for more to come at another time.
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What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene