Spring Hill Pennsylvania For A Day Or Two

There is a place in eastern Pennsylvania that holds a small town feel and has very few citizens in it's rooms/homes but does have a really nice look.. The other feature it has is a restaurant. It's a little diner which serves some of the best home brewed coffee I've tasted. The diner was in a strip mall. It's in a part of town of love where many men/women are in slim and healthy looking shape. Then there are kids who zip on by on their Razor scooters. All the time others simply sleep off their beer buzz on a hotel porch. A few of the streets had much of an affluent look to them. Most of those whom I met where friendly. This little town was where I stayed for a few nights on a recent trip. I can say it was hot, but yet I got out on my bike and rode a river trail next to the upriver part of the Schuylkill River just north west of Philadelphia and that was fun. The trail was one I thought was for biking but it turned out that it was made more for locals to get to a fishing spot or two. So it was a challenge but enjoyable for it's roughness and daunting dips and falls into small ravines, all in all I ended up on the right trail meant for bikes and I still got home in good time with something to think about while in the shower.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene