Dehumanization or Understanding w Respect

Another two weeks and I will put away my easel and paints for my jobsite clipboard and such other teaching equipment because classes begin then. Before heading back to school I have had time to paint this summer and such is the result: it's titled :" Personal Dehumanization or Understanding Relationship: It's Up To You" it's an oil painting that is about three foot square and it's new. My work this summer has been an off and on affair but they do come into being occasionally this being one of those times when it clicked pretty well.
I enjoy the "crispness" as one person put it to me last night when showed it to him. I think the quality of the painted surface has improved a great deal with the more time I've put into the making of my canvases. With more time comes a better understanding of what techniques work and which don't so I have better control in getting the effects I am looking for when I paint.
The character with the weird face is really me. I can make that sort of face and sometimes I do so to get a laugh. I've even seen a photo with my face looking so bizarre , it's all for a laugh and nothing serious is meant however in this painting it's an allegory of our manner when taking in the beauty of women. Do we do so with respect or is it more of a lustful glare which of course we men all have done so at sometime in our lives....but right or wrong it happens yet I feel torn by it and so comes this painting.
The scene takes place at a local eatery. I felt this scene depicts the right place where people both have a meal and people watch consecutively. Here the fellas are just finishing up and what appears but this nude, strange, yes I guess it is but life can imitate art and visa versa....and so it goes.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene