New Artwork Finished But At Such a Price

Painting takes it's toll upon those who work on it. I've been painting all weekend and gott'n quite a physical depression from the effort. It's a finished painting but it was a longtime coming and a lot of effort into getting it "right" and not settling for anything less then that state of being. The paint exist on it's own and it has it's own properties that have to be dealt with when creating with that material. If a color doesn't workout then an artist must know what's under it, what's beside it, how wet is it, do I need to rub it out and begin anew....a lot more information than you wanted to know. Well, the work got done and it's finished however Iow the work brought me I now feel that the end was successful in as much as the art is truly "good in it's endpoint" the means well that's my problem now isn't it. I will be photographing it soon, it's very drippy so I need to let it rest for a good while, a week should do it, and then I will photograph it. The name of it is unsure at this point, that needs to settle in as well as the paint needing it in order to really be dry enough to handle. Then comes the need to head out to the wood workers at Gaston Wyant lumber-
mill just down the road to get my framing wood so I can make it presentable for showing. It will all come together and happen but it will take a while before its ready to be moved. So for now, just take my word for it , it's a good painting, the best in a while of the Downtown Belmont era of my artwork.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene