Statins reduce flu death risk by half -
Statins reduce flu death risk by half -
This medicine has certainly been a factor in my health being what it is today, better than before I started getting a yearly check up over fifteen years ago I didn't know how good doing that was going to be until I read about the benefits of the statins I take every day for my cholesterol. It's amazing and now another benefit shown here. It is a blessing. One that I never in my wildest dreams did expect to come my way. I am humbled by my previous attitudes toward the science and scientist of the medical field. I stand aside for your own consideration of these wonders of science.
This medicine has certainly been a factor in my health being what it is today, better than before I started getting a yearly check up over fifteen years ago I didn't know how good doing that was going to be until I read about the benefits of the statins I take every day for my cholesterol. It's amazing and now another benefit shown here. It is a blessing. One that I never in my wildest dreams did expect to come my way. I am humbled by my previous attitudes toward the science and scientist of the medical field. I stand aside for your own consideration of these wonders of science.
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