Mov'n on with Art

It's been too long since I last put down an entree into this blog but I'll tell ya moving will make one exausted if nothing else: that's my excuse and I'm stick'n to it. I have finished one painting and I'm working upon completing another and I ought to be done in just a few days. School is crank'n along too, there is words being spoken about 'graduation' among other end of the school year rhetoric ....and so my thoughts are turning to the subject of "what are you going to be doing this summer?" And with that I will turn my thoughts to plans for what is going to interest my brush and palette during our summer break. But first there is this canvas I am working on now, it is a joy to be doing so in such a fine spot as my new home is,,,how wonderful a feeling it is to paint in sunlight from a large window in the morning with an idea of where one wants to go with "it".
Until later on...when I post my newest one... most likely next week sometime, so stay tuned...don't change that channel as they use to say.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Fun Drawing , Believe Me, Just for Fun