New Oil: "All of a Sudden: He Just Floated Away"

I enjoy my life much more today because of a fellowship call Narcotics Anonymous, it's responsible for my reclaiming myself and my life. Two of my closest friends from years ago said to me (in all confidence now) that they thought I was insane. My trouble was and still is I don't see through their eyes but I live within my own skin and thus I make myself as comfortable as I can and I feel sane or that I have a healthy approach to life, mentally I feel really good and always have felt healthy. But when one realizes that it's not just oneself but others who create 'reality' one can see that as Oscar Wilde said "no man is an island" . With that said, I felt ok but my existence around me didn't see me as being so healthy. Well nothing changed that until I got clean in NA. It's then I had a look at myself and what I really had done instead of what I was thinking I had done and appeared. My two good friends were brave enough to tell me the truth as they saw me, and I thank them for it.
Today with NA, I see "life as it was" and " my life since getting clean" in one stream. That's what this painting is about, my life clean is one with going to many meetings such as that group of people sitting on a dock. The spirit of these meetings brings many to a place not found by ordinary means, and that is why the man is stepping off the dock and floating into the air. The twelve steps in the back ground are the means by which we all learn not to be that person who wants to "use" outside influences to change ourselves. Then there is "my life clean" which is symbolized by those guys flying balloons and kites which are fun to fly. They are showing that being clean can be fun if we let it and get involved with something that is just done for the fun of it.
I am grateful for my Recovery and I paint about it because I was told and artist or author aught to " work on things that one knows most about, what one's life consist of" and for this artist "Recovery Lives Everyday" in my life.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene