Family Of Trippel Painted by Fourth Generation

Looking at art one sometimes comes upon an idea when visiting an art museum, such was the case of how this painting came about; One day I went to the back galleries of the Philadelphia Art Museum when I was living up their, I happen to come upon some B/W paintings done by Robert Indiana. They were somewhat eerier due to the fact that they were all of people long since dead plus they were all painted in Black and White no other colors at all were used by R. Indiana. The paintings were taken from old family photo albums and executed on large canvases but had no other colors other than black, white and gray. At first I thought that they were rather ugly and had no "life in them" but they did stick in my mind and have done so for years now.
Funny thing about art, sometimes one finds work that is sired upon one's memory and no matter what one does to forget about a painting, a film or a book one can't do so. Such were this series of paintings that were hanging in the Museum gallery of R. Indiana's family. Now I know knowledge shared is knowledge gone, but this knowledge had to have an redux and so I did this painting myself of my early family in the good old USA in Brooklyn of all places. This is my great grand father whom I never met but have a great deal of reverence for and then there in this photo is my grandfather whom I did meet. He was a happy old guy with me, and I loved him and his wife my grandma very well. Then pictured as the young boy that he is is my own father as a toddler in the bottom of the photo. He's dapper isn't he now? Ha! Who couldn't see how Robert Indiana couldn't find these old family photos a gas to work on as subject matter for his paintings. And so did I!


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene