
The County I live in now has some wonderful features to it, one featured place is a road crossing of the main Railroad tracks it has a small house beside it. I feel this small house might have been a working feature when this soapstone mine was in bigger production. I feel this might have been a crossing guard station house for a person who would warn traffic coming across the tracks with loads of soapstone. I don't think it was a complete train-stop but it might have been. I see where there is enough cleared land to have had some sort of loading dock for the soapstone heading northward to be sculpted into building facades or other structures. But in these times all that remains is this crossing guard house which still has a rocking chair on it's porch which one can see if one looks close enough at the photograph. This small crossing is on the Rockfish River Road just east of the main north and south highway cutting through Virginia's midsection better known as Route 29. The road known as the Rockfish River Rd is very scenic and runs mostly beside the river with the same name for a good ways. People often stop and head on down to the rocks to fish or bathe just for the fun of it. The water is cool in the summer because it comes directly down from the Blue Ridge Mountains nearby. It's one of the fun features of my life down here in the county south of Charlottesville, Va.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene