"End of Summer, Now Looking Back...."

Today is my final day of 'summer break' as it's known today. We use to call it 'Summer Vacation' but times change just as the people in these times changed too, most folks w
eren't around n thosedays, but that's ok. Having a look back on my art production this summer I can easily say I didn't get as much done as I wanted to but it's also the case that I got twelve paintings done...so not all that lazy of a summer. The most fun stuff happened when I was in the middle of a pasture painting what was just over the edge, the flowers were blooming, the bees were buzzing and the sun was out...what could be more involving than that!! It felt good to be alive, it felt good to be painting, heck it just felt good to be doing what I've always wanted to do, live like Vincent Van Gogh during his outdoor painting adventures. And now I think I have had a brief taste of it. Now what? Next comes the fall and winter indoor painting season when the production slows to a snail's pace. At best I hope to always have something on the easel so I won't have any excuse to just 'hang out' and watch the spiders crawl into the corners of my home. So, we'll see huh? Stay tuned!


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene