The Church Covered With Ivy

The best of life can sometimes be so subtle and quite when one is a visual artist. One sees buildings, people going about their lives and places sometimes speak quietly of there character and wisdom such is this building of worship in Schuyler. Schuyler is my adopted town of choice and of strength. In it's silence it speaks to me louder than a public city bus leaving the Transit Station for a run loaded with passengers. This particular building has that kind of a voice with me, every time it is in my vision or my car somehow passes it by, it speaks with reverence of the Holiness of my adopted town. That's why I felt I needed to try and paint it. I hate painting ivy. But I needed to try it. Ivy is all pretty much the same color at whatever time of day in which it is viewed. As boring as I felt this painting would be to make, I can say with certainty it wasn't boring to me as I labored putting it's image onto canvas. Such as it was, it turned out rather well I feel and I am glad for putting out the effort of painting, repainting and then touching up what wasn't working in a visual way, until I was done.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene