My First Work at Miller School

Although I am rather new to 'Plein Air' work, I am event newer to working in the countryside, I am a city painter when working outdoors. Buildings and industrial structures are mostly what I've been painting while living in the city. Working on an open field of grasses, trees and lowlying plants is rather an new and challenging task for me to manage with any degree of success. My early attempts are those which I hope my audience with be looking at with some forgiveness for it's ruffness. It's a subject that will take some time to become masterful with, and afterall we never really master our subjects, because we only learn to live with our mistakes. I will keep working on it though, because in the efforts of it comes gratitude of what I am trying to depict. I know people enjoy the end result and rarely see the faults that lye within those canvases, but I see often see the struggle in the painting before my eyes...but sometimes I am ok with it, those times are what makes it all worthwhile.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene