Secretary Sands Rd View Eastward

I was fortunate this past weekend what with the warmer winds blowing favoribly in our mountains the desire to go out and paint while the palette was fresh and the land calling hit me saying "it's time to go out and paint". Such was the calling, and the result is as pictured. The fun was in the making of this painting, it all came together into this Thomas Hart Benton styled landscape although I wasn't trying to imitate him it does hint of his work. I loved his flowing mid-western hills and waters in the paintings I've seen of his, he had quite a unique movement in his manner of painting the land so much that it just moved one's eyes all along the stories of his paintings. He always told stories in his work. He's known for using local folklaw and putting it into form in his paintings. But he also had a nice way of depicting the lands of the mid-west, something I found and still find very appealing. So I guess I had it in the back of my mind when working outdoors this past Saturday afternoon just off the highway of Secretary Sands Rd here in Nelson or maybe it's southern Albemarle County, Virginia.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene