Secretary/Sands Rd an Oil

This new painting is done in the plein air manner where one sets up his easel and paints outdoors and works from what one sees out in the wild. This road that I painted is one that is very enjoyable to drive on. I am somewhat new to this part of the countryside, I lived here about thirty five years ago and only recently moved back. So although it's a new place for me to live in it still has some place in my memory. Its just that they are very old memories for me. But all that aside, this road is particularly lovely in the winter when some of the leaveless trees allow one to see through the spaces that are usually blocked by the foliage. In this painting I focused upon the sunlight that shines inbetween the trucks and upon the ground and road. Plus the colors are so different in the winter out here, the color of wood seems to shine forth so well in this scene. I hope you enjoy it, it was fun to paint.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene