Coffee Shop : a fun drawing

I'm home sick today, a stomach bug that came from eating some nasty crabmeat that was a little foul, but it tasted good going down so who's complaining. Except for the way I felt when I awoke today hasn't been all that bad. I took off from work cuz I wasn't sure I could handle what demands the job has feeling the way I did this morning. So this gives me an opportunity to post some of the pen and inks that I've been dealing with as I allow my mind to wonder during the evening hours. I simply play with my notebook open, and pen in hand this is where I go. True I do make a conscious effort to control the images but I still allow for myself to wonder within the confines of the scene I am working on. It's very relaxing. Its' a good way to end the day before turning in. I also have a few drawings I did of young students in a coffee shop nearby the U.Va. in Charlottesville, Va. Some of these guys are with 'dates' but never look up and speak while at their laptops. I mean for more than an hour, simply put they are oblivious as to what their partner is up to. I wonder, do they care? Is it really that captivating? Can you even look away for a moment and just let the person know you are their? Oh well, such is life, who am I to say not to from go ahead?


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene