Plein Air at Miller School 'n Spring

The air, sunlight, breeze and temperature were all in line for a wonderfully picture perfect day outside my home. The Miller School plein air invitational was up for the taking. I packed up and headed out for a scone and coffee before going to the backlot of the school's property, I had been to this place in the past fall of 2012 so I knew what I was facing. I had an idea of just where I wanted to go and how I wanted to attack the subject on canvas. The big question was whether my car would be able to handle navigating the pasture. So unperturbed by the thoughts of my car bottoming out in crossing the fenceline of the back property I packed up and made my way up through familiar roads. Although narrow I knew the way. I faced the open pasturea and successfully arrived at my set up spot. I got out my supplies and canvas and got right to work about nine thirty in the morning with the sun blazing over my left shoulder. A fellow artist, a french native who had taught language arts at the Miller school, set up her easel and began a conversation with me as I put down the beginnings of what was to be a four and a half hour session on the red barn with surrounding land and mountains behind it. The results were pleasing. I felt it came out with a better result when one compairs it to last years attempt at rendering this pastoral scene. In the end, I'm glad I took them up on the invitaion to coffee, scones and painting 'plein air'; it worked out to be a very pleasent experience.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene