"Not Yet Done" but what the heck..here's Scottsville

I've been working in downtown Scottsville which is a city that was founding in the mid 1700's as a port on the James River. It has it's hayday back in the mid 1800's as a place where people could gather goods. This particular painting is done of a promimate building in this town, it stands tall on it's Main Street next to the James River Inn and across from the Exxon (which doesn't date back much at all) the artwork isn't finished but I thought I would show it anyway since I've worked on it for the past two days. I can say that I've been true to it since I haven't painted on it unless I was looking directly at the building in Scottsville. No touching up at home for me. It's a keeper though, and I plan to head back this coming Friday (in a couple of days) to see where it will take me then as far as developement towards completion.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene