Blue Buildings Line Downtown Scottsville, Virginia

A new look at the sleepy little colonial port of Scottsville on the James is what I've been interested in this summer. I've take a few different approaches to it. My first was a small painting just discovering what was out their, then I painted a store front, then a particular store and now this week I was working on the group of downtown buildings in a 'streetscape' painting. The latest one turned out to be kind of a 'flat color study' where I really was looking at the geometery of those particular buildings on the downtown strip of little old Scottsville. I actually was rather far away from my subjects when I set up my paintbox and water. I could actually hardly see them. I guess I need a little more displine in my drawing so I get it all 'in' the painting itself..oh and learn and live to come back another day and try it again. I did stop at one point and walk down the street to actually see what made up those doorways under the black and white awnning so I could 'get it right' to sight. I have a nutrial feeling about this painting, maybe because it seems to 'plain' to me, afterall I've been treated to seeing many more lively works come from me over the years and this one is kind of tame. But I guess there is a place for everything in this artworld of mine and something in my conception for everything that can be painted. One can even paint what doesn't exist (like angels or fairies) but which can take form on the canvas before the artist. With my imagination well I've seen a lot of bizzare faces appear with my caricature style and this new discovery of what construction in the real world or the world that can be seen and measured by us well that is kind of different for me to witness. And it's actually nice but in a very sensitive and mild way it's kind of nice to see...I guess I'll keep it up for a while longer. It interests me some.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Fun Drawing , Believe Me, Just for Fun