Paint What U Don't Want to Paint, Just to See If...

Looking where I didn't want to go to paint I ended up working on a scene with the thought that "one who is a painter can make a good canvas out of anything" meaning to me that a good painter can perform well under any circumstances. So I went to Crozet, Va. and worked on a canvas that was to me a real chore. I set up behind a train station on the otherside of the tracks looking downward on a streetscene that had some buildings and a mountain scene behind it all. All this in a very small area of sight, one would unusually simply move on to some other view, but not me. I felt like seeing how well this idea that a good painter can make something look well despite the visual problems that lay within the context of the canvas. For me it was a labor of 'let's do it anyway no matter how I feel' and so it went for a few hours on a sunny day early in the week. The sun had come out and there was a short break in all the rain we've been subjected to so I could work out on this idea. I came up with a canvas that ended up being an emotional rollercoaster, yet it seem to be ok once I was done. It's different, of that I am certain....whether it truly reflected the matter of how it is to stand near Crozet Pizza and the train station is another matter altogether. I did what that painter said, and gave it my best even if I thought it was a very odd composition I felt it lent me to give it more effort than a normal canvas,( if there is any such animal) and I got a good start done in two hours or so. Then I finished it up at home, since the weather didn't hold out. And so it goes, this summer is edging by slowly but secure in the fact that I have had the opportunity to paint, and see other artist art as well. A successful time in my estimation to do both see my own art grow in front of me and see others as well develope their gifts.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene