The thing about Recovery artwork

A gang symbol this isn''s a new item I saw shown at the NA world convention and I liked it. It sort of puts NA into a human perspective with the use of human hands creating the square within the circle which is our geometric symbol. Only this can be done by anyone in any situation as a symbol for our Recovery from our addiction to drugs. And I have been wondering how I can pay a proper tribute to NA for all that it's done for me and to do so with my images and artwork. It's a real challenge because one (an artist) can't use the NA square within a circle because its got a copywrite on it and one can't put an image of any recognizable person in because of our anonymity so it's tough. But here one can put people in it without giving away just who they are with a set of hands and so far this symbol of thumbs meeting the pinky finger are not copywrited I least so far they aren't, but wait until some lawyers get into the here is my stab at doing some NA artwork. I hope you like it and enjoy my deliberation on this subject cuz it does run around amok in my head at times.


What Has Worked;

Penn Academy of the Fine Art Visit in Philly

The First Structure in Nelson County of European Settlers

Hut for a Blue Tractor and a Red Grass-Cutter

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

Whiting Oil Company on W. Main St. C'ville, Va.