A Bad Painting: but a Fun Day None the Less

Working out in the back fields of the Crozet private school called "The Miller School" was just right today, the weather was right, the clarity of the sky was good and it was a beautiful view from it. I set up on Saturday and painted for a few hours without reaching an ending point, but then I came back the day after. The work went well today and within a couple of hours I had a finished painting. The work ended up being a nice painting but the way I set it up wasn't so good, due to the design I used putting the barn in the lower corner. The barn sinks off the bottom edge pulling the viewers eye down and off the canvas surface. With the barn being such a highlight of the painting it can't be avoided so it's a sticky placement that makes this painting fail. I worked hard and well on it but I aught to have stopped in the very beginning and placed the drawing of the barn exactly right. I should have taken a better look at just where that barn is on the canvas but I didn't and just went on with it. Once it's set in one can't go back. So I continued on and its a nice painting for the way I painted the mountains and trees but I just think I will correct any flaws in the design of it in the beginning of painting lest I feel the way I do now about all my weekend's work. I feel bad about it but I have to accept that its done, and I need to move on from my flaws accept them and learn from them.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene