Diversity and the Local Grocery Experience

Its a wonderful thing that we have such a variety of people at the local grocery store when I am shopping there in the evening. It's a reflection that with so many new countries bringing there people to our shores our nation is benefiting and changing because of it. I see so many different nationalities represented simply at the local grocerstore when I go to buy my weekly foods. I feel I am missing out on this unique experience because I don't have the nerve to stop one or two of these guys and ask them "where are you from?" or "...do you find this kind of store meets your needs?" I guess I don't do that simply from not wanting to be a pest or thought of as "...that weird guy who asks strangers questions" so I don't dare do so. But seeing how these folks are from all over the world kind of has me reflecting on our founder Thomas Jefferson who wanted to bring people from all over the world to his University for a global village and be educated from that same village experience. Well it seems to be happening if my unscientific poll at the entrance to the local grocery store is any indication. I'll keep shopping with my eyes open.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene