Take Three: Miller School Landscape

This is the painting I worked up three weekends ago on Oct 19th and 20th of this year. I came from an opening of the properties of the Miller School to anyone who might wish to paint them and their views. I went up on a Saturday morning where the lite breakfast was provided and registration took place then off I went to the back fields of the school to paint. The painting took most of the late morning and the early afternoon until about four pm before I called it a day with my painting about three fourths done. It showed promise but I knew the next day would bring about a different look to it since the sun was no doubt be different. The first days efforts came about on an overcast day with a grey luminescent day with all the colors on the land being dull and rather dark. I knew the next day the sky would be clear and the colors much different. I wasn't disappointed. The next day I worked out the image of the barn and the open fields nearer to me and I left the mountains alone. I did rework the trees and grasses once I arrived home and had some time to study my work of the last two days. Overall, I'd say it was a successful painting. It is expressive since I am using the broad paint strokes to show both color, direction and volume with action of movement with my painting. I am hoping that the greens are not too too dominate because one can't avoid them in this Mid-Atlantic countryside. I am certain that I gave it my best and I might go back another day and have another go at it. This is my third try at this view and I feel its only getting better each time I go.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene