Post High: "At the Days' End"

This painting is of the school where I work on the weekdays. It features a program to help special need students to move smoothly from the public school atmosphere into the work a day world we live in. It is an oil painting, and it is done from the perspective from where I stand directing the buses and cars in and out of our parking lot of Post High. Post High is part of Albemarle High School although it is located a few miles away from that high school. As an artist I am not unlike a lot of authors in that I am reflecting on my past and what I know well. I know this scene well because I stand their so much every morning and every evening as the school closes. In as much that I see it so much I have a good recall of it. I did this painting from my home miles away. I used my memory to pickout the content and details of the painting. The students who study here are 18 to 22 years old and I am showing them streaming out of the building at the end of the day. Some will spend a little quality time on the porch before boarding the bus home. They socialize for a while and have a little time of merriment, and laughter between themselves. During this part of the day my duties are to look for traffic but I also have a good view of our student. I enjoy seeing them have a good time with each other after a day of working at jobs in our community. I worked on this painting at home as I mentioned and it took all of two days working, pausing, then working on it some more before it was done on Christmas morning. I will place it on the walls of the dining-room for the coming end of the school year.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene