Abstactionist and Where One Can Take It

I don't often paint from geometric sources but yesterday I did. I played with circles intersecting and forming rings and wistful lines on a plain of bright yellow. It was a fun painting and I simply put it all together as I was going along. I didn't have an end point in mind when I began but I knew when I was done when I arrived at that point. The painting ended when it looked so. As I've grown up I have a greater appreciation for the Post Modern abstractionist that lived during the late fifties and early sixties. I know it began in the early twentieth century with such painters and Picasso and Matisse yet I think it flowered in the late twentieth century with artist in the Post Modernist era of the nineteen sixties. Abstract work seems easy until one begins to make it. It takes an inner idea of what one is looking for and also where the materials will allow you to take a painting. There are limits. The really good abstractionist could see where a painting could go while at the same time see where is shouldn't go being sparingly applying paint in a very controlled manner. Other times allowing the paint application to create the painting. My painting was one where I often stepped back and proposed within my inner eye where this painting aught to go. This is an acrylic painting and I find the intense colors brought forth with acrylic paint lent itself to my efforts on this canvas.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene