Faber Rd View Southward

This is one of the most beautiful spots in the lower 48 states or such is my own belief about my home area. In driving back and forth to work I often will take a short cut even if it is a slower way home. Reason being; its just nice to see the countryside with many of the roadside views looking like they belong on a postcard. This painting is the result of taking one of those shortcuts home. It is back off the beaten path somewhat, but it is not a hidden view it is simply not a view many people see. It is in southern Albemarle County just north or around Nelson County in Central Virginia but it is on a back road. The farm shown has two owners. These two elderly women still live their, working on the farm even in their eighties. One can see that this spot has some history although not to the extent European farms might but enough for us around here. In the background is Walton's Mountain, yes the same one mentioned in Earl Hammner's book "the Walton's" and there is still some traffic that comes here simply to see the Walton's home. And yes, they still receive visitors in Schuyler which is the home of Earl Hammner. But the view that I found was one I saw driving and I made a mental note to myself that I aught to come back and see about painting it. Now a days I will write down such sites on a pad I keep in my car or on me. This painting took three days of work to finish it and I did all of it onsite using the 'real world before me' rather than working on it at home. I suppose it took about six or seven hours of work hours to finish. Which is fast even by my own standards but one must remember I've had plenty of practice painting after painting for the last twenty five years consecutively. I also painted before then but I took a seven year break and lost a lot of my ability because of it. But I pick the brush up again and since then I paint whenever I have the time to which is actually quite often. I am pleased with this one, it is a work I feel glad to have painted.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene