Sunshine on Crozet Pizza

One has to admire a town where putting in the first stoplight is seen as the beginnings of the coming collapse of the western world and independence as we know it. The small spot on the map is now in the throws of having at least doubled itself in both population and size with the recent addition of a few housing developments. Its a picturesque place one must admit. Its snug right up against the Blue Ridge range of mountains and one merely has to look to the west and one need to peer upwards to see the sky from any vantage point. The mountains rule for certain backgrounds, in this vantagepoint of my art I picked a spot that looks away from the Blue Ridge and towards the east. I am right at the intersection where the stoplight in question was put in a few years ago. The reason for picking this spot wasn't to get away from the mountain view (but that is ok) but rather to have a look at the Crozet Pizza. Its a landmark of a store. All who have grown up within fifty miles of here stops in their tracks whenever its name crosses the lips of those uttering its name. I have yet to try it, it takes an act of Congress to get in and have a seat. (Or call ahead and make a reservation but that's too practical. And so when it come to painting it, I needed to do so. This painting is thirty inches by forty four inches in size. Its oil and it was only painted on location, across the street and in the morning to noon lighting. I didn't touch it up when arriving home either, that's one thing I've learned, one does better leaving it alone and waiting until one has the opportunity to go back onsite. I had to shrink some buildings like the Crozet Pizza shop in order to get all those buildings into the frame size. Sorry but I simply didn't have the canvas that was long and wide enough ( as well as big) to fit them all in. Due to that these buildings look kind of elongated, well scratch that up to being "my style of painting" just wouldn't work, so I had to make due as some people say. I still like my design of those buildings and the cars where a lot of fun to design. Play I do when it comes to my cars. I think a Prius got in their somehow, I don't know I guess everyone has to have there day in the sun.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene