Blane's Books and Coffee; the painting

Finding time to visit Scottsville, Va. again I brought along my paints w my easel, water and a nice straw hat to shield me from the sun. But I didn't know where I would be painting or what. I drove to downtown Scottesville and simply parked right where I found the first open space. I got out. I looked across the street and voila my subject was their. I pulled my equipment out, set it all up and got to work. Some passersby tried to sell me an easel they had no use for anymore while others simply said a nice 'Hello' and moved on. All the while the sun shone and I got my work done. Within two and a half hours of standing up I needed a break. I brought along a three legged portable stool and I set it up under a shade tree right next to my canvas and I sat down. I saw where I need to go, and beside being tired I saw where I could make a few painterly notes on the canvas and I could finish it up at home. So I did just that and I closed up shop. Then on the following day I finished up painting the sky and sidewalk plus touching up the stairway and some of the building's details. All in all, it was a short but intense period of working on this piece of art. I'm glad I did it but it took more than I expected in energy to complete.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene