Drummheller's Apple Festival n Nelson County, Va.

Sometimes its best to simply explore your home community for artistic content, I did that today by heading out to the Drummhellers Apple Festival in my home county of Nelson, Va. The fun was seeing everyone make such a big deal out of apples. Since living here, I too have been making an apple a day a big part of my life so I guess its fitting that I go to this festival. I did pick up some fine Winesaps for my daily lunch bucket. Well lunch bag I guess...but they had those types and many more in big wooden bins for sale too. I enjoyed seeing the funnel cake truck at the festival too, which is what many county fairs and festivals of all kind of varieties are really all about: an opportunity to get a funnel cake which allows one to mention that little fact whenever the subject of a county fair or any outdoor festival is brought up. But I rather liked the intense bright red color of this food truck that sold those funnel cakes, it was noticeable from many yards away. In fact I think its the very first thing one might see upon entering the festival grounds, so I had to show it off in this blog with a nice full color photograph. I didn't stay long but I did pick up a good number of some delicious looking Winesap apples for my lunch in this coming month. So my outing was successful for that if nothing else.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

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Figures 'n Buildings

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