Rockfish PO ;the painting

These railroads around here are unique, they send trains by in the middle of the night and whale on their lone whistles coming around the bend in the middle of the night. One stop for the trains was near here. The rail stop for Rockfish and Schuyler was about four miles away and the mail use to be put off from the trail mailcar onto an official Post Office located at the place where the train crossed the Rockfish River. The stop still exist but the train no longer makes any stop here, there is a Post Office now in our lovely town of Schuyler, Va. The hut and it is nothing larger than a 'hut' is no doubt where the mailbags use to be stored. The hut is still standing due to some committed locals who see to it that the Rockfish Post Office has a fresh coat of paint and is decorated for holidays like Halloween and other days of significance. I felt a need to paint this scene due to its ongoing visa of the tracks disappearing around the bend. I loved the perspective angle of it, and I knew it would be a challenge to paint these tracks in a single stroke, which is close to what I ended up doing. This painting is large. I guess it's somewhere near three foot by five foot. I will measure it later on, for now that estimate will have to do. But its a painting that didn't show the river, due to not being able to see it from the same angle that would show the disappearing track and the Postal hut at the same time, and the signal as well needed to all fit into the canvas. I did what I could but not trying to convince the viewer of the deep cavity beside the tracks that dropped down into the river. I could have darkened it but I guess I just found it wouldn't convincingly show the empty area well enough, so I gave up trying to figure out how to do this feat of painting. I went with the no-ending curving tracks. I guess I will give it another try later on, since I plan to be in the area for a good while. I found the painting of this to be enjoyable. I worked and reworked almost all of it over again and again knowing not to settle for anything less than what I knew was good and lasting quality.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene