"Hamner's Crossing" Retouched; an Oil Refinished

Often I have after-thoughts with regard to a canvas I might have just signed and dated. Yes even though I say 'its done' I still sometimes have other thoughts about its completion that can outweigh my official stoppage. Such was the situation with "Hamner's Crossing" it just wasn't done. I sat and studied it and I decided to take the plunge and work on it somemore just because those trees needed some winter leftover leaves on them. Then when getting into it, I decided on some other changes. Lost in the fever of the moment I guess. When one begins painting, one never know where the muse will take one. It just the nature of creativity to be lost until one begins again, only to discover much more awaits than what one anticipated before the starting of the endeavor. Its now done. Framed and signed, ready for a show somewhere, with some new eyes to see it.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene