Planetary Objects On Canvas n Paint

Circular objects are the unifying shape for most planetary objects, at least in our level of reality other obtuse objects are usually smaller and of the asteroid sort. Just kick'n home during this snow storm paints are what I turn to for spending my time indoors and so it was with this blizzard of 2016. I picked up on my acrylic paints ability to render a painting in short order by there fast drying and quick set ups so one doesn't have to wait long to over-paint anything. Mistakes are easily remedied with quick drying paints, you don't have to sit with your mistakes long before one can just paint over it with an opaque color. Ahh that magic eraser: opaque colors. And so with this painting there weren't a lot of mistakes per-say but there was a lot of working the paints to get a nice variation in color as the ball objects shown in light of an imaginary sun off to its right. I enjoyed painting this exercise in shape and working with light and color to create that particular light shining and showing shadows on the 'planets' and their rings. Keep in mind this isn't easy, but it is fun to break up the seemingly laws of astrophysics with separating the rings from planets that carry them with their gravitational pull but in art...well one can do that.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene