7 Day Jr on Fontain Ave

One of the American traits is to pop into the local fast Mart or locally here in the south is the 7/11, but in our little part of the world its better known as the 7 Day Jr. which is particular to Charlottesville. This one has some folk-law with regards to my past and my story. It use to be a frequent stop for me, either for smokes and a soda, or simply to ride my bike over and pick up a six pack. Often I would find the store had some improvements done to its interior with new displays or a new arrangement of shelves. It was always interesting to see just what that new thing was and just what it looked like. This frequent stop in was eliminated in my life due to the fact that I no longer drink beer nor smoke cigs, so now if I am thirsty I might stop in for of all things a bottle of water...but just that, nothing more. So even more frequently I just keep on going till I get home and I can get a water from the fridge door. My new fangled fridge has that capacity of all things its weird but it keeps me away from my old haunts like this 7 Day Jr. So rather than ignore it I did a painting of it cuz it is a part of my past and I ought not try to ignore that fact...so I don't and this is a painting due to my need to recall my past in Charlottesville, Va.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene