SideTracks: The oil of a RXR building n C'ville

This is an oil done from the mention by an owner of a local recordshop that I ought to paint his place. After hearing that from him I walked across the street after making my purchase (yes I still like the hardcopy of CDs but I do download an occasional MP3 whenever I want to but I tend to print it out on a CD anyway but....)and I took a look at his building. What I saw as the fact that it is an old railroad storehouse of somekind for the city (of Charlottesville)where stock was unloaded to be shipped onto other transit methods of distribution to Central Virginia. I just had an historic look to it, so I thought 'yes why not' (paint it). I came back later on to snap it, then worked on it from home. Slow going was it, but not for any bad reasons moreso to add quality painting on it. The University just gave me its Committee of Review acceptance to put on a show at the McIntire School of Commerce for the spring of 2018. Yeah its a ways off but on the other hand it gives me plenty of time for making quality paintings instead of just finishing a painting and moving along. I have the time so I am taking my time before I decide a canvas is finished, completely finished. Its done when it says to me that 'its done'


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Fun Drawing , Believe Me, Just for Fun