"You Know Where This Is!"

There is a spot in town where I was a frequent flyer at and that spot is aptly named the "Lucky 7". I don't know the story behind that name and I know it as the one spot in the downtown area that has some truly seedy and unique characters behind the counter at all times of the day (and especially)at night. I often arrived with a thirst of an elephant in need of some liquid enjoyment. I went their due to the availability of my favorite drink at a lower price than the norm of course (this was in what's called in the vernacular "the liquid drug") and they had it....lots of it. And I believe if one drank and one lived in downtown Charlottesville or Belmont there would be a chance that at one time or another that one would arrive at the doorway of the "Lucky 7" looking for this 'item of need'. But since getting and staying off drugs I haven't had so much of a need to visit them, thus the recall of the place is sort of a novel thing for me. Today I think of it as a place with a wide variety of snack cakes and foods. These days I head over to the "Lucky 7" for some snacks or perhaps if I'm feeling a little risque a drink of the soda variety. I am not naive because I know that other liquid can still be found in the coolers I'm just not shopping for it anymore. So, its just not in my vision of 'important items' that one pays more attention to than other things in one's visual pathway. While its a topic of writing I want to say "good for those who can still use it" and use it judiciously, I can't seem to...anyway the place has an aura which I can still see around its edges whenever I pass by. I thought because of its importance it ought to be remembered in my own art collection of places of historic importance of Charlottesville. So there you are! I enjoyed painting it..it took some time and steadiness of hand to do it. Yes there are still some small changes that I will no doubt make on it. Like touching up and finalizing the 'Coca Cola' sign..it just isn't snappy enough for my liking so back to the easel I will go with it....sometime, just not today. It was a painting that took about a weeks work in two to four hour shifts to complete, I like it myself and afterall that is the one person I don't want to forget about pleasing.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Fun Drawing , Believe Me, Just for Fun