Street Drama

Sometimes there is some street drama in the city, it can often be missed as daily activity but in reality there is much behind the story, more than meets the eye. In this case its a scene of a couple doing there best to leave a place without being noticed, and of course they are. Its happening in daylight and with busy people walking by going about their daily business. But the fun is in seeing how this woman is contorted in sneaking about going out the doorway. I might have blown her actual ability to twist and turn some but forgive me for that problem and you can see how she is trying to hide her face with a pose that actually bring attention to it. I've actually seen people do this and I can't believe they can have any thought to being discreet, cuz they aren't and they stick out like a sort thumb. Such is life. I just had this thought as I completed this drawing. When I began it I drew the guy holding the box and then the sidewalk which lead to drawing a figure on the sidewalk behind him but still on the sidewalk in the proper perspective with him. From there I did the car and then thought about "well what is that guy holding the door open for anyway?" Then I drew the woman in the doorway, and thus created this little scene. Once drawn I can figure out a story but I do believe its as much an opportunity for the viewer to fill in a storyline to this scene as it is for me to explain it to you the viewer. I learned years ago that is not my job to explain it but to simply present it and let the viewer figure it out for him/her self because that is where the magic takes place. We all, including me, have our own relationship with any work of art. The artist has his own as he makes it and finishes it, and the audience each see it independently of that artist on there own.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene