Pull Me Up!

I always thought as politics as a function of us as a society to help us to help each other with our common elements. Those being what we live in common with, besides the obvious I would say things like food, shelter, transportation and education would be among those common needs. I drew this as a hopeful idea that if one person came upon another that he would reach out and help the other up off the ground. Of course its obvious that this doesn't happen as a usual event in the cities I've been in. I've seen a man face down on the sidewalk being walked around with not one person stopping to see what was wrong. I am thinking that this aught not be the case with the city I spend my days in, in fact once I was that person on the street who needed help while I lay their bleeding from a gunshot wound. I was helped. My life was saved from bleeding out by those heroes of the Rescue Squad who quickly got me into an operating room to take the slug out from my head. My head was recently X-Ray'd for something altogether different but I found out that my brain was not injured from this unseemly event in my life. Well, this is where I see the hope for us all, in the 'good Samaritan' if for no other reason that I want more than anything to think that mankind is of a good nature and would rather help than hurt the disenfranchised and those who have little but who could give much if given the chance to do so.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene