The Waiter's Voice

The waiter is hidden in many upscale restaurants. Not so if your working in the kitchen of one, their is where one gets to witness the inner beings of those who do our restaurant's catering towards the customers. Its up close and its personal to we who worked in establishments of eating. Personal habits were often worthy of comment to the wait staff in most of those restaurants I worked at, like Martha's Cafe, Zipper's and before that Basin Street, Miller's on the downtown mall plus a few others. It all came down to just how human we were to those who asked "will there be anything else?" or "Would you like something to drink?" Even with the predictability of the questions much more was communicated to the waiter. So much so, there was almost a deathwish that could arise in an unspoken way for those who answered, those who were sitting down at the table. The wait staff usually had a lot to say in the back kitchen area about who they were serving. Even for those who would be rather mute there could be verbal opinions aired. The waiters and waitresses that I worked with back over twenty years ago where a hoot for the quips that came up around closing or while gathering there orders in the kitchen during a busy rush. It was fun. And it wasn't all that nasty or hateful, in fact it was kind of observant of them.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene