Belmont Market: Pen and Ink

I used to live in Belmont and the iconic spot when I first moved to Lennard Street I had to walk by or bike right by the local convenience store called the Belmont Market almost everyday. It is in the heart of that small district of Charlottesville but it has much deeper ties to those who grew up in C'ville (as its affectionately known)....we who have spent time traversing those streets have all stopped into 'The Belmont Market' at one time or another. The building has the look of one that might collapse right around you if you spent too much time their, but it never has. Serving the public of C'ville for many many years the Market has gone through a few different hands of ownership. Right now the Vorah family owns it. I know because their son was a student at our school just a few years ago and it was then that I would check up on him sitting in his father's store stocking its shelves with assorted items. They are a wholesome new age American immigrants who are here helping the local economy by owning and running this corner market. I felt the need to remember this spot with a pen and ink.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene