Murry's Steak Building on E. Market St.

Murry's use to be a wholesale meats outlet on E. Market Street in Charlottesville,Va. but they went out of business back in the nineteen eighties but there brick painted sign is still standing firm. How about the power of paint for ya? Its been their quite a few years past its' business's demise. I use to walk by it all the time, and I have to admit I knew one of these days I would have to paint it. Its so iconic for that part of the town of Charlottesville, and so here is my rendering of it. I know, I feel I could have done it so much differently, of course I mean I could and should have done it in so much of a better way than the way it turned out. We're (we artist) so bad about criticizing our own work, and I am no different than anyone else with this defect. But here is my entire feeling for that stretch of sidewalk viewing, its beyond just painting the Murry's building. Its about a lot more than just that, there are many memories locked away in the building next to it that was one of the early micro-breweries that went by the hame 'Blue Ridge Brewery' where I hoisted many a draft back in the day. Today of course its with another owner and the Brewery is big time in a nearby town running a whole warehouse where they make and ship their beer out to places all over this country. But I digress for a moment, I walked this sidewalk many a morning on my way downtown to the Blue Ridge Clubhouse where I worked in the clerical office. That is a psychosocial spot in our past where I was not in such good straights but they gave me a reason to 'be'. So I walked by these buildings each day of the workweek on my way to do my social duty and then at the end of the workday I walked them back home again. To say I know those shops and sidewalk would be an understatement, I could tell you where the cracks in the sidewalks were and a few other nonsensical facts about that block. Well, now its in paint and out from me to you. You look at the cracks in the sidewalks, I'm done.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene