Sometimes I am abstract: "Clothesline Abstract"

The nature of art is expression for me, and for me to be expressive is to have another look at canvases I find dull. Such is was for this "Clothesline Abstract" painting done over the past week that sat around for months. It seemed to always be calling on me to do more whenever I took a look at it. Then after finishing an rather lifeless painting of a city street I took it up onto my easel. The canvas told me what it wanted me to do and so I got to it. The soul of this work of course can be seen on an earlier posting, but when I had the older painting on my easel it sat lifeless and bare. I applied what I knew about colors that work together to form a ribbon and put them on making a contour over some rather obnoxious lengthy forms. I'd like to say it made the painting all new and good but I think what it did was change it. It is a much different work now, it seems to me to be an altogether different painting now, one that I rather like. It will hang in the local co-op gallery for a month, McGuffey Art Center in Charlottesville,Va. and we'll set it at a low price to see if someone will give it a home on their walls.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene