Outback Barn on Rio Road

This particular barn is an outback building to a house that is just over the City line of Charlottesville. Its nearby Pen Park only on the other side of Rio Rd. The group of older farm buildings are just sitting their in the decaying state while the land around it is being developed. My quest is to capture them in oils before they simply fall down or are plowed down by bulldoser in order to make way for more construction. As the norm has become many of Charlottesville's antiquity is coming down to make way for the newcomers moving here. Ever since Charlottesville has been named as one of the best locations in which to retire building has taken off. I would like it to remain just the way its been for the forty years I've been here but I realize that isn't what occurs in American culture or in a money growing atmosphere. The good thing is that most of the homes I've seen are environmentally smart designs, focusing on not making so much waste or leaking heat into the atmosphere. Its not all a bust with growth in Charlottesville.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene