Barn on Rt 6 'n Louisa

This painting is one in which I transposed my eyes vision onto the canvas. I saw this barn on the other side of the highway from "Kidds Store". I was at this spot to get a photo of Kidd's Store yet I saw this barn on the other side and saw that it too was an interesting composition that I could put on a canvas and perhaps, just perhaps it too could look good as a painting. So I snapped a photo of it and took off for home. I took it as a barn that I could interpret into something more than just another barn painting. I changed the coloring of the tin roof and the colors of its sides to become what it is. It is unique. It is not what one sees if you were standing their looking at it. But yet it is (at the same time recognizable as itself) It is more than what sits their, yet it is what sits in the field before you on Rt 6 just east of Scottsville.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene