My Beginnings ; A Piece Named "Cartoon Collection"

I started out by painting in this style now dubbed 'toonistic art' or 'lowbrow art' either way it was a way I began painting. It was formed after being brought up reading the 'funnies' every Sunday morning after Church on the floor of our living room. With the large paper spread out across the rug I slowly engulfed the funny papers one artists work at a time. To me they were a wonderful feat of both ideas and drawing and coloration of those caricature drawings. It was my weekly dose of art that came right to our house. Wonderful! When I began working in oils at the Academy this was the style I wanted to emulate and otherwise saw as a valid artform. My teachers were divided on this issue I later found out. Whether or not it was an accepted form of art, they later gave me an Honorable Mention Cresson Award.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene