Deconstruction of a Southern House

     The northern most state during the southern Civil War was Virginia, and we lost.   Here in Central Virginia some of the homes built after that time are mostly but not all leveled to the ground.   Some remain but in tattered shape.   Many not at all.   Those homes built to replace those that had fallen were built with poorly made  of construction material.   Now many of those are falling apart too.    I've seen very many on my drives around the County I live in and the Counties nearby be homes that are in that condition.   The condition where they don't seem too long before crumbling into dust.   

     Its clear that the South suffered a defeat and unlike our foreign enemies that we defeat then rebuild there country after the conflict ends the South never has been helped with aid in such as manner that has been given to those foreign countries like Post WWI Germany, post war torn Iraq or Afghanistan.   Here in this painting I am taking a hard look at the devastating affects of homes around me while living in what was the land of those who lost the Civil War and live with the consequences.    They have little left.   They are not prosperous others as I have seen not far north from here.   They fly the unpopular flag of discrimination and inhuman treatment towards a race they were sold as being an acceptable manner of gaining agricultural ground until the during the Civil War it was told to them that it was not an acceptable way of life.   That what they were doing wasn't good nor right.   They and there neighbors acceptance of using human beings as machines that only needed to be housed and fed and clothed as a way of easily planting, harvesting and refining crops was the wrong way both morally and judiciously as well.   I know that it must have been a shock.   A shock who's impact is still felt and it can be seen in the poverty of a falling house here in this painting.   


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene